Teacher Tools

Teachers and students are invited to schedule a visit to the Resource Center by calling Susan Dubin at 818-606-0793 or emailing [email protected]
Visits are 90 minutes and include an interactive introduction to Holocaust studies, tour of the library and Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Garden and examination of artifacts. Schools must provide their own transportation to the Center located at 10700 Havenwood Dr. in Summerlin.
Powerpoint Presentations:
- The Three Solutions
- Understanding the Holocaust through Art
- Using Literature in Teaching the Holocaust
- Washoe CSD Bystanders Victims Perps
- Graphic Literature in Holocaust Education
- Art of the Holocaust BIBLIOGRAPHY
- Not Like Sheep to the Slaughter: Resistance Bibliography
Teachers who complete a minimum of 6 Holocaust courses of 15 hours each may qualify to receive a HOLOCAUST EDUCATOR Certificate from the Sperling Kronberg Mack Holocaust Resource Center and the Nevada Governors' Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust. Contact Susan Dubin.
Holocaust Education Community Based Award can be earned by completing 45 hours of approved Holocaust education. Submit a list of courses taken and the number of hours completed to Nathan Inkebrandt.

Holocaust Education Professional Development Courses offered through Sperling Kronberg Mack Holocaust Resource Center and CCSD:
- PDE 3498 Not Only the Jews: Other Victims
- PDE 3520 Not Like Sheep to the Slaughter: Resistance
- PDE 3731 Liberation and After
- PDE 3404 Using Primary Sources to Teach About the Holocaust
- PDE 3523 Using Literature to Teach About the Holocaust
- PDE 3702 Using Music and Art to Introduce the Holocaust
- PDE 3617 Practical Methods and Best Practices for Teaching About the Holocaust
- PDE 3519 Using Allegories and Picture Books
- PDE 3405 Children During the Holocaust
- PDE 3692 Never Again! Before, During, and After the Holocaust
- PDE 3691 To Save One Life: Rescuers
- PDE 3222 The Holocaust: Stories of Survivors, Perpetrators, and Resistance
- PDE 3521 Preparation for Holocaust Studies; Separation, Loss, Discrimination and Bullying, Compassion
- PDE 3758 Using Anne Frank to Introduce the Holocaust
- PDE 3773 Propaganda in Nazi Territories
- PDE 3867 Using Graphic Literature to Teach About the Holocaust
- Courses offered by NV DOE
Links to valuable websites include:
- Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
- Nevada State Holocaust Education Task Force
- Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- USC Shoah Foundation – Iwitness
- Yad Vashem
- Jewish Nevada Holocaust Education Banner Exhibit
- Nevada Department of Education Professional Learning